

  • If you are NOT staying for graduation, you should move out no later than: 6月13日星期四晚上10点
  • If you ARE approved to stay for graduation, the last day to move out is: 6月16日星期日下午5点


Have your whole/portion of the room clean, including…

  • 扫地和拖地
  • Drawers and closets cleaned and wiped out
  • Fire escape route sheet intact on door
  • Door free of tape, nametags and pictures, inside and out
  • 清洁镜子
  • 台面/书架擦干净了
  • Remove all tape/nails/screws/adhesives from walls
  • 擦净窗台
  • 窗户关好并锁好
  • Foreman residents- turn off air conditioning.

If you are moving out of the residence halls for good, remove any items from the storage room.

Return your room to match the diagram shown below. 所有的床都必须铺上铺位 有四个钉子. Pegs are provided at the residence hall front desk.  

Carpets must be rolled, taped, tagged, and stored or taken home. A $25 carpet storage fee is required for storing in our facility.

See the Check Out Table to be officially checked out. Return your room/mailbox key to Dean on Duty or RA checking you out.

* If you are moving out prior to the table opening, plan to check out of the residence hall the night before. The deans are RAs will not be available to check out residents outside of these hours.  

The charges below are estimates for damages to the room. These fines are subject to change upon room inspection. Fines will be sent out the week following graduation.

Broken windows




Cleaning ceiling


Cleaning door


Cleaning room


Failure to check out or improper check out












Nail holes

$10 per hole

Personal belongings left in room or hall









$5.00 - $100.00

Wall holes

$10.00 +修理




PLEASE DO NOT DUMP YOUR UNWATNED ITEMS IN LAUNDRY ROOMS, STUDY ROOMS, OR PARLORS. There will be a $150 charge for items dumped in these common places. If it cannot be discovered who the items belong to, the entire hall will be charged $5/person. There will be a large industrial dumpster outside of the residence hall for trash.

Check out Table (Last check out is 10 min. 在结束之前.PLAN AHEAD!)


12pm – 10pm

Tues. 6/11– Thurs. 6/13

9am – 10pm


9am – 8pm


9pm – 10pm



12pm – 5pm


Before putting items in storage, please submit the storage contract:



Storage is only for students returning to the residence hall in the fall, with the exception of SM/ACA/TASKFORCE residents.


  • 提交存储合同. If a storage contract is not signed before you store, 最低罚款50美元, plus the cost or storage will be applied to your student account.
  • Your storage appointments must be done in 1 trip. Take your items to the door of storage before going to a residence hall staff member.
  • You must find your own help to carry storage items. The deans, RAs, and other residence hall staff do not assist with carrying items.
  • If you do not plan on using storage over the summer, 但目前有一个存储, please have it cleared out by May 30, 2024.


  • Everything must be contained in plastic bins
    • 禁入樟脑丸
    • Use only plastic storage bins/tubs, NO CARDBOARD BOXES.
    • Everything must be contained in plastic due to moisture, bugs, rodents, and to prevent theft.
  • 在所有容器/塑料箱上贴上标签 用你的名字, phone number, 你打算什么时候回来, or you may get storage labels from residence hall staff.
  • 冰箱和微波炉
    • Not allowed in cubicles – must be stored in appropriate area designated for appliances.
    • Before you check out, all refrigerators MUST BE除霜和清洁 在你储存它们之前.
      • Residents who do not defrost their refrigerator will be fined a minimum of $50.
    • 标签必须贴在包装上 电器门 and visible.
    • Labels will be provided at the time of storage.
  • Carpets
    • Must be vacuumed and stored in Conard Trunk Room.
    • Rolled/bound with duct tape or rope at each end and middle
    • Carpet Tags must be looped on the end of the carpet roll
  • IF IT DOESN’T FIT IN THE CUBICLE OR ON SHELF, PLEASE TAKE IT HOME OR DUMP IT. There will be a large industrial dumpster outside of the residence hall for trash.
  • 没有提供包装材料. 你必须自食其力.


  • 自行车不允许停放
  • Large furniture items such as bookshelves, desk chairs, lamps, TVs, etc.


  • $45 per cubicle or designated shelf area – 1 per resident. No additional cubicles/shelves may be granted.
  • $20 charge for large carpets, $10 for small rugs
  • $15 per appliances (appliances are not allowed in cubicles/storage shelves)
  • It is recommended that you purchase Personal Property Insurance for your belongings.






Friday, 6/7


Sunday, 6/9


For all dates and times after Sunday, June 9, see the checkout table schedule.



When packing to go home and you find you don’t have enough space to take everything, 澳门线上博彩官网有完美的解决方案! The following places have donation locations available for you to donate your unwanted items:

Goodwill – 1017 NE C St, 学院广场,华盛顿州99324, Walla Walla - Main Store: Everyday 9am-8pm

SonBridge - 1200se 12th St College Place: Sunday-Thursday 10am-4pm

Food Drive-Bins in lobby starting May 31st-please only donate unopened nonperishable foods

The 学生宿舍 are NOT accepting donations including the following items:

  • Refrigerators
  • Microwaves
  • 存储容器
  • Bed Risers

All items should be disposed of properly or taken out of the residence hall. Items left behind or inappropriately disposed of will incur a fine.


You may have up to two guests help you move out of the residence hall. All guests are required to check in at the front desk.

Once you are officially checked out of the residence hall, you are not allowed back into the residence hall (unless previous arrangements have been made with the dean).

The residence halls are not equipped to store bikes in our facilities. We suggest reaching out to a friend in the area to store larger items.

Each resident should completely move out of the residence hall so that custodial can deep clean the rooms over the summer. Items left behind will be disposed of.

If you are leaving outside of the checkout table hours, please arrange to be checked out from residence hall staff at the checkout table during the last shift listed before your departure. (例如:如果你早上5点离开, you can check out the night before during the checkout table hours and only have the essentials left in your room. All the other checkout steps should be complete).

If you do not follow the steps listed in this packet or told to you by residence hall staff, a minimum of an $150 improper check out fee added to your account. The room will be assessed by staff which could result in additional fines.

Residents who are not approved to stay for graduation weekend and do not move out by Thursday at 9PM will be charged an improper check out fee of $150 per night in the residence hall. The resident is still required to check out properly to avoid additional fines.

If your job requires you to stay, please submit the request to stay through graduation form.

No, once you are officially checked out of the residence hall, you do not need to submit a leave request.


Here are a few important things you will want to know about residence hall life this summer:   

  • 住宅应用程序- Each resident requesting summer housing should submit a housing application for Summer 2022 on abode.xiuxianke.net.  
  • Finances – You will want to make sure you are cleared to live in the residence hall through 学生财务服务 (509) 527-2815. Double check to make sure your summer finances are ready to go by June 9. 
  • Rooms – Foreman/Conard summer residents are housed in Foreman Hall, Sittner residents will be housed in Conard Hall. 租金是155美元/周. Once you confirm you will be staying with us during the summer, the housing dean will assign you a room.  
  • Roommates – There is no roommate requirement during the summer, space permitting.  
  • Food – There is no cafeteria minimum requirement. You will be responsible for your own food.  
  • Moving – Sittner resident moves to summer rooms will need to begin Monday, June 13 at 8AM and must be completed Wednesday, 6月15日晚上10点. Conard/Foreman resident moves to summer rooms begin Thursday, June 9 and must be completed by June 12 at 5PM. The housing dean will be in touch to confirm moving dates.  
  • Front Desk – The front desk runs 24/7 and can assist you in connecting with other departments. 服务台号码:(509)527-2531    
  • Night Check – Conducted every night between 9pm-10pm by the summer RA.  If you come back to the dorm after 9pm, please check in at the front desk. 
  • Leave Slips – When you spend the night out of the residence halls, you must fill out a leave slip prior to leaving.  Leave Slips are DUE 24 hours in advance before you leave.  Remember you must be in the residence hall 4 days/week to comply with policy. 
  • Area Events -留意海报. There are numerous activities in the community throughout the summer months. Plays, movies, parades, fireworks, fairground events, etc.  
  • 夏季就业 – If you are interested in working this summer, be sure to visit the student employment office.  

简而言之,这就是澳门线上博彩官网的夏天. If you have any questions about our summer program feel free to see or contact the dean on duty.