司机 & 交通运输政策

的 intent of this policy is to outline policies 和 procedures that create a safe transportation system for our employees, 学生, 和游客. 此政策适用于所有WWU员工、学生、志愿者和访客.

为了有资格成为一名合格的司机, 申请人必须年满19岁, 不超过三次违反交通规则, 在过去三年里没有过失事故.

的re are some departments on campus that are authorized to have provisionally approved student drivers who are 18 years old. 的 provisionally approved drivers are only allowed to drive WWU-owned vehicles for work-related transportation in that department. 的 names of these drivers will not be placed as an 批准的司机 until they are 19, 相反,他们会收到通知, 通过电子邮件, 他们的临时批准. 

WWU employees 和 volunteers whose position requires that they drive on behalf of WWU, 被要求完成 网上认可司机问卷 和 will have their motor vehicle records (MVR) 和 开车 history checked at hire 和 annually thereafter. 只要他们被雇用,他们的名字将保持为批准司机, 在世界大学做志愿者, 或者不再有资格.

职位要求代表世界大学开车的学生雇员, 被要求完成 网上认可司机问卷 和 will have their motor vehicle records (MVR) 和 开车 history checked at hire 和 annually thereafter. 

任何人都可以申请成为合格驾驶员, 如果他们没有代表WWU开车的职位的话, 他们必须提交一份完整的 WWU认可司机问卷 致人力资源. 的ir motor vehicle records 和 开车 history will be checked annually for as long as they remain on the list.

在华盛顿州获得执照的人必须提交一份完整的 解除权益 表格,然后才能订购MVR. Complete the bottom section of the form, including signature, 和 return 致人力资源 at 风险.safety@xiuxianke.net.

Those wishing to be authorized to drive vehicles that may carry 7 or more occupants must also meet the following conditions, 至少21岁, 并且在最近三年内完成了在线驾驶安全课程. 注:15座面包车不得用于任何大学活动. 联系 设施服务 to become an authorized CDL driver or for CDL 司机 arrangements for use of any vehicle requiring a CDL license.


客人 may drive University owned or rented vehicles if they are the approved drivers. 所需的文件可以提前发送给人力资源部,以便在 风险.safety@xiuxianke.net. 任何未获批准的客人/志愿者, should rent vehicles from a rental company under their own name 和 insurance 和 arrange for reimbursement from the appropriate University department.

任何人使用他们的私人车辆为学校的业务, 包括世界水联安排的运输必须符合以下规定:

  • 司机应该遵守所有联邦、州和地方法律.
  • 接送学生的司机必须是合格的司机.
  • 在学校出差的时候, the driver is responsible for the use of the vehicle 和 for safe transport of any passengers who travel in the vehicle.
  • Privately-owned vehicles used for University business should be properly registered, 检查, 被保险人, 并且适合于这种用法.
  • 司机s using their personal vehicle for University business should ensure they are adequately covered under their personal insurance policy. 的 driver’s own auto liability insurance is considered the primary insurance for any accidents that occur while 开车 on University business. 学校不为个人车辆提供保险.
  • 大学拖车由拖车投保. Be sure that you have adequate insurance to tow University property behind your personal vehicle.
  • 15座面包车不得用于任何大学活动.


  • 任何车辆不得违反州或地方法律.
  • 车辆驾驶人和乘客应当使用安全约束装置.
  • 不允许个人使用学校拥有或租用的车辆. WWU vehicles (both owned 和 rented) shall only be used to perform work on behalf of the University. Transportation shall not be provided for individuals not associated with the University or University activities, 包括但不限于配偶, 孩子们, 或者其他家庭成员. Limited exceptions to this may include instances where family members must accompany an employee while performing work 和 should be kept to a minimum.
  • 拥有大学的经营者, rented or personal vehicle while on official university business will be responsible for all traffic, 开车, 违章停车.
  • 车辆使用完毕,应当交还所属部门.

WWU员工分配一辆特定的WWU车辆用于日常工作, 将获得以下例外情况:

  • 员工将被允许开车往返于他们的家, 在他们轮班之前和之后.
  • Transporting family members in a WWU vehicle is permitted when the employee is traveling to or from work, 或在需要使用WWU车辆的工作旅行中.


It is preferred to have all participants make their own transportation arrangements without oversight by a WWU representative.

的 second method is for the activity Sponsor to arrange for transportation using University-owned, University-rented, 或者私家车. 不管使用的是什么类型的车辆, 所有司机必须是合格的司机, 如果适用的话, 拥有7+的称号. 注:15座面包车不得用于任何大学活动.


  1. 尽可能陪伴学生,
  2. Obtain the vehicles being utilized either through 设施服务 following their procedures, 或者第三方租赁机构, or
  3. 如使用私家车, obtain proof of current insurance on the vehicle 和 inform the owner that their personal auto insurance would cover any accidents or injuries that might occur.

All documentation must be kept with the appropriate department or activity request form 和 maintained as outlined in the 保留及处置政策.

If transportation is arranged by a WWU representative (activity Sponsor) 和 individuals attending the activity choose to use transportation other than that arranged for by WWU, 保荐人必须遵守 双模式运输程序.


  1. 创建一个选择世界大学安排的交通工具的学生名单,
  2. 提供一份保持无害协议表格, 的签名, 对于那些选择不去旅行的人,WWU会安排交通工具,
  3. Verify that the driver of the non-arranged transportation is an 批准的司机 和 has the 7+ designation 如果适用的话, 和
  4. 核实所使用的车辆是否有保险.

All documentation must be kept with the appropriate department or activity request form 和 maintained as outlined in the 保留及处置政策.

特殊用途 单向持有无害协议 has been developed for use in situations where a student is using WWU arranged transportation to travel to a WWU activity but has elected to use non-University transportation or non-批准的司机 back from the activity. If a student elects to use non-University transportation to an activity 和 use WWU arranged transportation back to WWU, 请与人力资源部联系 风险.safety@xiuxianke.net 用适当的语言签署一份单向保持无害协议.



看这个 video 关于15座货车的风险和替代方案.  



储蓄!  只要有可能,请使用 企业租车 所有大学业务. 请注意,此帐户不能用于个人旅行. 除了节省租车的费用, the rate provided through this account includes the Damage Waiver for no additional charge, 以及道路援助(部分服务可能仍需收费). So, 万一发生事故, the 企业租车 insurance policy will cover damages instead of a claim being processed through our University business auto policy. 的 租车政策 位于 会计 在应付帐款副标题下的网页 & 员工资源页面. 所有租车的司机都必须是合格的司机.


经授权租用车辆用于大学业务 批准的司机, 在美国境内, 加拿大或波多黎各, that are not rented through Enterprise are covered by the University business auto insurance policy. 保险身份证可从 风险 & 安全官,你可以随身携带作为保险范围的证明. Please waive any insurance offered from the rental company, as it would be duplicate coverage.

设施服务 has a limited number of 7+ passenger vehicles that can be rented as well as Suburbans, 机场和公共汽车. 

在美国境外租用的车辆, 加拿大或波多黎各 are NOT covered by the University business auto insurance policy. 请与 风险 & 安全官 旅行前,获得所需的保险范围.

不依赖信用卡保险, 因为它是有限的排除和不提供足够的覆盖面